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Tangshan Institute for Cancer Research


Articles and patents (recent five years, time flashback)


  1)Articles and books

  1. Wang J G, Zhang Y, Xiao T L. Quantitative analysis of the association between CRP rs2808630 and rs1417938 polymorphisms and cancer risk [J]. Oncology letters, 2015, 9(2): 994-998.

  2. 胡继卫, 洪慧, 张景华, 陈晶晶, 李玉凤, 张顺礼. Mfn2 基因过表达对人乳腺癌 MCF-7 细胞增殖及 EGFR, EGF 蛋白表达的影响[J]. 成都医学院学报, 2015, 10(2): 147-151.

  3. 贾纯亮, 张磊, 刘远廷. 腹腔镜胃癌 D2 根治术的安全性, 肿瘤根治性以及术后早期疗效[J]. 河北医科大学学报, 2015, 4: 405-407.

  4. 洪慧, 张景华, 刘艳坤, 李玉凤, 刘岩. 人卵巢癌顺铂耐药细胞株 OVCAR-3/DDP 的建立及相关基因表达水平的研究 [J]. 中国煤炭工业医学杂志, 2015, 18(4): 616-621.

  5. Yan J Y, Tian F M, Wang W Y, Cheng Y, Xu H F, Song H P, Zhang Y Z, Zhang L. Age dependent changes in cartilage matrix, subchondral bone mass, and estradiol levels in blood serum, in naturally occurring osteoarthritis in guinea pigs [J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2014, 15(8): 13578-13595.

  6. Wang Y Q, Wang Y, Zhang J H, Li Y F, Li H M, Wang L, Yao Y. Secretory breast carcinoma in a 12yearold girl: A case report [J]. Oncology letters, 2014, 8(4): 1635-1637.

  7. Liu Y, Xing Z B, Wang S Q, Chen S, Liu Y K, Li Y H, Zhang J H. MDM2–MOF–H4K16ac axis contributes to tumorigenesis induced by Notch [J]. FEBS Journal, 2014, 281(15): 3315-3324.

  8. Sun G G, Wang Y D, Cui D W, Cheng Y J, Hu W N. Epithelial membrane protein 1 negatively regulates cell growth and metastasis in colorectal carcinoma [J]. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG, 2014, 20(14): 4001-4010.

  9. Sun G G, Wei, C D, Jing S W, Hu W N. Interactions between filamin A and MMP-9 regulate proliferation and invasion in renal cell carcinoma [J]. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 2014, 15(8): 3789-3795.

  10. 胡继卫, 张景华, 洪慧, 李玉风, 马杰, 陈晶晶, 张顺礼, 胡万宁. 外周血 Mfn2 基因表达检测在乳腺癌诊断中的意义[J]. 成都医学院学报, 2014, 9(6): 704-707.

  11. 谷海钘, 马小兵. 肾嫌色细胞癌嗜酸变异型的临床病理学特征[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 2014, 30(1): 88-90.

  12. 谷海钘, 马小兵. 肾嫌色细胞癌嗜酸变异型的临床病理学特征[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 2014, 30(1): 88-90.

  13. 王朝辉, 马小兵, 侯文娜, 徐慧蓉, 朱兰, 伊雪. 大鼠矽肺相关基因组织蛋白酶B的电子克隆与验证[J]. 中国工业医学杂志, 2014, 27(2): 93-96.

  14. 贾雯, 马小兵. TCR 基因重排检测在 T 细胞淋巴瘤病理诊断中的作用[J]. 临床与病理杂志, 2014, 34(5): 636-642.

  15. 侯文娜, 马小兵, 徐慧蓉, 陈阳, 朱兰, 伊雪. 抑制消减杂交技术在筛选矽肺大鼠差异表达基因中的应用[J]. 工业卫生与职业病, 2014, 40(6): 427-432.

  16. 乔淑艳, 胡万宁, 韩素桂, 李世龙. 甲胎蛋白异质体在胃癌和肺癌患者血清中检测分析[J]. 标记免疫分析与临床, 2014, 21(4): 492.

  17. 韩龙才, 韩娜, 刘远廷, 李景武, 赵辉, 闫金银, 贾纯亮, 张磊. 参芪扶正注射液在进展期胃癌化疗过程中对患者免疫功能的影响[J]. 辽宁中医药大学学报, 2014, 16(11): 158-160.

  18. 韩龙才, 闫金银, 韩娜, 贾纯亮, 张磊, 刘远廷, 李景武,赵辉. 血清 CEA, CA-199 和 CA-153 联合检测在进展期胃癌化疗疗效评价中的临床意义[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2014, 18(23): 159-160.

  19. 刘远廷, 李青科, 韩龙才, 贾纯亮, 马国明, 姚远. 腹腔镜与 “蓝碟” 相结合手术治疗同时性双原发结直肠癌 5 例分析[J]. 中国肿瘤外科杂志, 2014, 6(6): 350-352.

  20. 常文娟, 权永志, 刘远廷, 付胜须, 张瑞君, 李欣, 徐海涛. 乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中Fas、FasL和Ki-67的表达及相关性研究[J]. 临床合理用药杂志, 2014, 17: 107-108.

  21. 韩龙才, 韩娜, 闫金银, 贾纯亮, 张磊, 刘远廷, 李景武, 赵辉. 改良 FOLFOX6 新辅助化疗与术后化疗治疗进展期胃癌的临床疗效比较[J]. 实用癌症杂志, 2014 (9): 1158-1160.

  22. Li Y, Miyanari Y, Shirane K, Nitta H, Kubota T, Ohashi H, Okaota A, Sasaki H. Sequence-specific microscopic visualization of DNA methylation status at satellite repeats in individual cell nuclei and chromosomes [J]. Nucleic acids research, 2013, 41(19): e186-e186.

  23. Liu Y, Xing Z B, Zhang J H, Fang Y. Akt kinase targets the association of CBP with histone H3 to regulate the acetylation of lysine K18 [J]. FEBS letters, 2013, 587(7): 847-853.

  24. Sun G G, Wang Y D, Lu Y F, Hu W N. Different association of manganese superoxide dismutase gene polymorphisms with risk of prostate, esophageal, and lung cancers: evidence from a meta-analysis of 20,025 subjects [J]. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013, 14(3): 1937-1943.

  25. Sun G G, Hu W N, Zhang J, Li C L, Yang C R. Effect of Nitric Oxide on Esophageal Cancer Cell Line TE-1 [J]. Chinese Medical Sciences Journal, 2013, 28(1): 44-49.

  26. Jemaneh Zeleke, Q S, Wang J G, Huang M Y, Xia F, Wu J H, Quan Z X. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on the communities of methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria in estuarine marsh sediments [J]. The Microbial Regulation of Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2013, 4: 243-255.

  27. Li C L, Zhang F L, Wang Y D, Han C, Sun G G, Liu Q, Cheng Y J, Jing S W, Yang C R. Characteristics of recurrence after radical esophagectomy with two-field lymph node dissection for thoracic esophageal cancer [J]. Oncology letters, 2013, 5(1): 355-359.

  28. Guo Q, Jiang Y J, Jin H, Jiang X H, Gu B, Zhang Y M, Wang T G, Qin Z H, Tao J. Modulation of A-type K+ channels by the short-chain cobrotoxin through the protein kinase C-delta isoform decreases membrane excitability in dorsal root ganglion neurons [J]. Biochemical pharmacology, 2013, 85(9): 1352-1362.

  29. Zeleke J, Lu S L, Wang J G, Huang J X, Li B, Ogram A V, Quan Z X. Methyl coenzyme M reductase A (mcrA) gene-based investigation of methanogens in the mudflat sediments of Yangtze River Estuary, China [J]. Microbial ecology, 2013, 66(2): 257-267.

  30. 谷海钘, 马小兵. 青年滤泡性淋巴瘤伴骨髓浸润 1 例并文献复习[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 2013, 29(2): 216-217.

  31. 马小兵, 张洁, 王哲彦, 線丽歌, 尉迟浩男. B 细胞淋巴瘤侵犯骨髓与骨髓良性淋巴细胞小结的形态学及免疫组织化学比较[J]. 实用肿瘤杂志, 2013, 28(3): 299-302.

  32. 谷海妍, 马小兵. 分子遗传学分析在 B 细胞淋巴瘤诊断中的作用[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 2013, 29(9): 1004-1007.

  33. 胡万宁, 韩素桂, 赵洪焕, 刘启为, 鲁爱辉. 产甲胎蛋白的胃癌患者血清甲胎蛋白异质体检测分析[J]. 标记免疫分析与临床, 2013, 20(5): 368-367.

  34. 韩素桂, 刘洪梅, 刘启为, 赵洪焕. 心电图正常老年人血清 NT-ProBNP 检测分析[J]. 标记免疫分析与临床, 2013, 20(4): 268-269.

  35. 权永志, 刘远廷, 赵军山, 闫立伟, 高少伟, 徐海涛, 赵力杰, 张月梅. 乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中 Ki-67 与 FasL 表达的相关性研究[J]. 临床合理用药杂志, 2013, 6(17): 90-91.

  36. 韩龙才, 刘远廷, 赵辉, 李景武, 李青科. 内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗早期胃肠恶性肿瘤的临床疗效观察[J]. 实用癌症杂志, 2013, 28(5): 516-517.

  37. 姜润学, 蔡海峰, 胡万宁, 刘远廷. 纳米炭在腹腔镜下进展期直肠癌根治术中的应用[J]. 中国肿瘤临床, 2013, 40(18): 1123-1126.

  38. Jing S W, Wang Y D, Kuroda M, Su J W, Sun G G, Liu Q, Cheng Y J, Yang C R. HIF-1 α contributes to hypoxia-induced invasion and metastasis of esophageal carcinoma via inhibiting E-cadherin and promoting MMP-2 expression [J]. Acta Med Okayama, 2012, 66(5): 399-407.

  39. Sun G G, Hu W N, Wang Y D, Yang C R, Lu Y F. Bidirectional regulation of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) on the radiosensitivity of esophageal cancer cells [J]. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2012, 13(7): 3015-3023.

  2)Scientific and technological achievements rewards

  1. applied basic researches, Science and Technology Progress Award, 肿瘤分子诊疗关键技术研究及应用, Guogui Sun (First), Wanning Hu (Second), Yufeng Li (Third), Jinghua Zhang (Forth). Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: North China university of technology, the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University and Tangshan worker Hospital

  2. applied basic researches, other awards, 胸水VEGF、CEA、ADA和AFU联合测定对良恶性胸腔积液诊断价值的研究, Sugui Han(First), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: Tangshan hospital of maternal and child health care and Tangshan infectious disease hospital

  3. applied basic researches, other awards, 肿瘤可溶性抗原和金葡菌超抗原构建肿瘤疫苗的实验研究, Wanning Hu (First), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  4. applied basic researches, other awards, Id1、Id3、VEGF、CerbB2、PCNA在乳腺癌中的表达及临床意义, Jinghua Zhang (First), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  5. applied basic researches, other awards, PPN/MG61基因检测鉴别良恶性胸腔积液的研究, Wanning Hu (Third), Weidong Liu (Forth), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  6. applied basic researches, other awards, 羟乙基淀粉在体外对正常人体细胞因子的影响, Wanning Hu (Second), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  7. applied basic researches, other awards, 用ISO9001:2008标准研究开云体育游戏app下载资源管理, Wanning Hu (Second), Jinghua Zhang (Forth), Wenbo Yao (Fifth), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  8. applied basic researches, other awards, DMBT1等基因在多种肿瘤的表达及与发生发展预后的关系, Guogui Sun (First), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: Kai Ping Hospital and Tangshan worker Hospital

  9. applied basic researches, the third of Provincial science and technology progress prize, 内镜技术治疗口腔颌面部良性肿物的临床研究及应用, Wenbo Yao (Third), Tangshan xiehe Hospital, collaborating institutions: Tangshan People’s Hospital

  10. applied basic researches, other awards, PEG/PEJ在晚期胰头癌中的应用及其护理研究, Jinghua Zhang (Fifth), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none

  11. applied basic researches, other awards, MnSOD等六种基因表达与六种肿瘤恶性表型形成干预的相关性研究, Wanning Hu (First), Guogui Sun (Second), the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University, collaborating institutions: Tangshan People’s Hospital, Beijing military area command of the Chinese people's liberation army general hospital and Tangshan worker Hospital

  12. applied basic researches, other awards, 岩舒对头颈鳞癌放化疗疗效及外周血中cyclinB2、wnt5a、Cdc6的影响, Wanning Hu (Third), Tangshan People’s Hospital, collaborating institutions: none.

  3)Independent intellectual property rights

  1. utility model patent, 防冻节水封闭型双瓮漏斗式厕所, ZL 2014 2 0327886.6, 2014/6/19

  2. utility model patent, X线电子计算机断层扫描组织病理诊断机, ZL 2011 2 0203665.4, 2011/6/16

  3. utility model patent, 医务人员专用防院感一次性擦手消毒巾, ZL 2011 2 0060583.9, 2011/3/10

  4. utility model patent, 多功能微创小切口手术器械, ZL 2011 2 0061137. X, 2011/3/10

  5. utility model patent, 一次性经皮穿刺活检, ZL 2009 2 0163502.0, 2009/7/3

  6. utility model patent, 一次性多功能胸腹水引流器, ZL 2009 2 0163503.5, 2009/7/3

  7. utility model patent, 电子静脉注射药物配伍禁忌检索仪, ZL 2009 2 0163501.6, 2009/7/3

Copyright information:Tangshan people's Hospital Address: No. 65 Shengli Road, Tangshan City, Hebei Province

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